I have a project

My free benefits

The project is the expression of citizen participation. It is free and it can start from a citizen or group of citizens, an association, a company, the town hall.
Never let an idea pass that you believe is good or bad.
br>The project is the creation of an event where citizen participation will be real, sincere and effective.
The project, its progress, its goal is distributed on the directory; it is therefore completely transparent.
Each visitor will be able to follow the project, they will be able to take it on the road to bring an idea, knowledge and leave.
The project brings together citizens for the same cause. The project can extend over several municipalities.
The tools of associations, businesses and town hall are at the disposal of the idea to transform it into a project and finalize it

How does it work?

You start from your personal account and you create the project. Please note, the project will be visible on the directory once the profile (presentation of the project) has been made and validated.
At the first publication, the project will become real because it will be disclosed to all subscribers.
If the project is shared by several municipalities each citizen creates the same project in their municipality, the municipalities are linked together by sharing profiles.
Thus the visitor, the participant will be aware of everything, transparency is a driving element of a project.


Create a marketplace or a rural drive or an economic interest group or not

Increase my purchasing power: How to do it?

Changing teenagers' behavior towards social networks

Revive a grandmother's recipe and promote a locality with regional or national reasoning.

Create city center walking routes

Create routes (cars, horses, bikes, on foot, etc.) by associating several municipalities