Terms of Service


These General Conditions of Use (CGU) must be accepted to register and create an account as a user on Bottin Malin.

Bottin Malin reserves the right to modify these general conditions of use at any time. In the event of a modification, you will have to accept the T&Cs again before your next connection.

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Bottin Malin: the Bottin Malin site accessible at the address: https://bottinmalin.fr

User: any person accessing the Bottin Malin site and holding an account.

Reporting town hall: any user can link their account, their profiles or their advertisements to a town hall if the address they declare is within a radius of 60km around the latter.

Publication: any element published on the Bottin malin site by users.

Association: any association under the 1901 law.

Professional: any person or organization active in France with a declared legal existence and a SIREN number

Individual: any person other than a community, an association, a company or a professional

Profiles: page dedicated to a town hall, an association or a professional summarizing its geographical location, contact information and any other information respective to its status or type of profile.

Type of profile: there are several types of profiles depending on the status of the user (town hall, association or professional)

Roaming profile: professionals have an optional profile called "roaming profile" which allows them to associate a secondary activity with a given address, distinct from the domicile of their company.

Individuals, professionals, town halls and associations can create classified ads which will be visible from the town hall's announcement area.

Classified ads have a publication period of 60 days.

They are deliberately limited in number per user so that Bottin Malin does not become an advertising site.

Reporting: action of reporting content to Bottin Malin for moderation.

Request for moderation: action of reporting, by a town hall, content or a user with a view to moderation

Rights of modification and deletion:
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Each user has the right to modify/rectify all of their personal information present on the site.
A user can at any time request the deletion of their account.
After the deletion of their account the All information and content created by the user will be deleted.
The request to delete an account results in the suspension of the account and the automatic unpublishing of all content created by the user (ads, publications, profiles ...).
After verification, Bottin Malin then proceeds to the permanent deletion of the account and its contents.

Bottin malin reserves the right to retain an account and its content after suspension if it must meet a legal obligation (illegal content or fraudulent practice).

Suspension of accounts by Bottin Malin:
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Bottin Malin reserves the right to suspend a user's account if it judges that it does not respect the Bottin Malin charter or if its account is attached to a town hall which has suspended its account.

The possibility of publishing profiles given to associations and professionals is linked to the subscription of a town hall.

In the event that a town hall's account is suspended or deleted, all associations and professionals linked to this town hall will automatically have their accounts suspended.

Regarding associations: their accounts and content will be permanently deleted within two months after the suspension of the account of their local town hall.

Regarding professionals:
- their account will be suspended and deleted if their main profile is attached to a town hall whose account has been suspended. In this context, professionals have two months from the date of suspension of the account of the town hall to which they are attached if they wish to attach themselves to another town hall within a 60km radius.
- if only one "roaming profile" is attached to a town hall having suspended its account, it will be deleted within two months from the date of suspension of the account of the town hall of attachment.

Bottin Malin offers a completely free service to individuals, associations and professionals. All knew suspension or deletion of their account by Bottin Malin cannot result in any complaint or request for repair in any form whatsoever.

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Each user is responsible for the content they publish. He undertakes to respect French law and not to publish any content of an illicit nature.

Users also undertake to respect the rights to the images they publish. Users undertake to only publish images, photos or logos that are royalty-free or of which they have full and complete ownership.

Users have the option of declaring an address other than their primary address when publishing ads or roaming profiles.

Users agree not to abuse this possibility for sole advertising, marketing or SEO purposes.

Users are invited if they notice illegal content to report it to Bottin Malin using the “Report this content” button and the form provided.

Users undertake not to abuse the reporting or moderation system for purposes other than those provided by Bottin Malin.

Moderation request:
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Any user can make a moderation request to Bottin Malin who will do what is necessary to moderate the content in question as well as the accounts of users who are guilty of violating these general conditions of use.

When a user is logged in, a “Report this content” button and a form are available to describe the nature of the moderation request.

The nature of the moderation request may concern any prohibited content, without this list being exhaustive:
- hateful, discriminatory, violent, illicit or obscene comments
- comments inciting violence or commission of a crime
- comments of a pedophile nature
- defamation or insults of any kind whatsoever
- content that may infringe respect for private life or image rights
- disclosure of personal data of a third party

Town halls have a dedicated "Request for moderation" button allowing them to directly request moderation of a user's account or profile if abuse is noted, without this list being exhaustive, such as:< br>- false domiciliation of a company
- non-compliant attachment of a company to a town hall
- company having ceased its activity and still present on the Bottin Malin site

Contacts from the site:
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Users can only respond to an ad or publication if they have an active account on Bottin Malin.

When sending a form to a town hall, a professional, an association or an individual, the recipient of the message will be able to see and respond directly to the email address of the user who contacted them. All exchanges between users therefore take place outside the Bottin Malin site.

If a user chooses not to respond to any announcement or publication, their email address will therefore remain confidential. This will remain hidden from other users as long as no contact has been established between them.

Publication of content:
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Professionals and associations cannot publish content until their profile has been completed with the required fields.

Individuals can:
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Create an account
Post an ad
Delete an ad

Once an advert is published, it cannot be modified. It can simply be deleted.
Ads are only published for a period of 60 calendar days with a limit of 30 ads per user.

content limit:
- classified ads: 30

Professionals can:
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create a public profile

this public profile must mention the company's SIREN number and its address
certification of the accuracy of the information.

Any erroneous or misleading information may result in the suspension or deletion of the user's account

create a traveling profile: aimed at professionals who have an activity outside the domiciliation of their company
example: market, itinerant or itinerant businesses

number of authorized traveling type profiles: 5
When creating a traveling profile, the professional must either enter their address or specify the address of their stopover (market or location) in order to be visible in s the correct location. If the targeted city is registered with Bottin Malin, it must specify this information.
The town hall concerned may then invalidate the profile if it is not intended to be declared in this area.

Create steps linked to the itinerant profile:
this information makes it easy to present to users the stages of a company's journey.
This option is particularly aimed at itinerant businesses which, from their itinerant profile , will be able to easily present to visitors the stages of their journey and their schedule of passage.
A company which would be inclined to do several markets can also use this option to present on its different profiles the different markets where it would be present.
maximum number of steps allowed: 100

Roaming and business profiles may have their profiles suspended by the town hall to which they are attached.

Professionals can also:

create publications linked to their profile
create a list of products which must be linked to a publication to be visible to users
create collection points which will allow users to choose another collection point in the case of an order
create classified ads

publication definition:
product list definition:
collection points definition:
classified ads definition:

content limit:
- publications: ??
- product list: 10
- collection points: 15
- classified ads: ??

Collection points:
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Definition: ......

Bottin Malin declines all responsibility for the declaration of a collection point or its proper functioning.
Sole responsibility of the professionals who offer them.

Town halls can:
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 create a profile page
 create publications attached to their profile
 create lists of products/services and attach them to their publication
 open publications for response via form or reservation if the publication is attached to a product list.
 create classified ads.
 create points (markers) which will be displayed on the interactive map of the city.
 town halls can moderate by deactivating the profile 'a company which has attached itself to the town hall without being declared there.
 For any other request for moderation (deletion of account or other), the town hall must call on the global moderator (Bottin Malin) using the form provided in your private space specifying the name of the company, its SIREN and the reason for the request.

content limit:
- publications: ??
- product list: 10
- classified ads: ??
- map markers: ??

Associations may:
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publish a public profile
create publications attached to their profile
create classified ads

content limit:
- publications: ??
- classified ads: ??

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= mark a page to find it easily
You can mark a page as favorites from this page or its summary from searches (when available)
This allows you to easily find a page that you have added to your favorites.
All favorites saved by a user can be viewed and deleted from the My Account > Favorites

Pages that can be marked as favorites:
page of a town hall
profile of an association, of a professional, of a traveling professional
announcements and publications of a town hall, an association, a professional or an individual

You can remove a page from a favorite by clicking on the favorites icon (heart) from the page or profile concerned as well as from its summary when available.
All the favorites saved by a user can be viewed and deleted from the My Account > Favorites

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= subscribe to a user's publications (town hall, professional, association, individual)
triggers the sending of emails each time a user to whom you are subscribed publishes new content.

You can subscribe to a user's publications by clicking on the "subscribe" button from the user profile summaries.
You can unsubscribe by clicking on the "unsubscribe" button from the summaries profiles of users to whom you are subscribed.